"Learn Practical Field Methods from the Field Training Experts."
Topic: Ground-Water Monitoring Well Design and Construction
If you think there is a simple cookbook, one-size-fits-all approach to building monitoring wells that will consistently produce sediment-free, representative ground-water samples, you’re wrong! This series of 4 modules will demonstrate why by covering the complex topic of monitoring well design and construction from the bottom (the well screen) to the top (surface completion) and everything in between. Discover how to correctly design and build a monitoring well that will meet site-specific objectives and that will produce representative, sediment-free samples for the life of the monitoring program. Learn how to avoid common errors in well design that end up costing you time and money later. Field video is included at the end of the final module to explain how to install a monitoring well using direct-push technology. While you may opt to take just one or two of these modules, it is strongly recommended that you take all 4 modules in the prescribed order if you want comprehensive coverage of the subject.
Module GWM–10 (Total Length: 58 minutes) Price: $159.00 To Register, Sign in to Your E-School Account
Objectives and Purposes of Monitoring Wells; Sources of Chemical Interference in Well Construction; Selection of Well Casing and Screen Materials; Methods for Joining Well Casing and Screen
Total CEUs for Module GWM-10: 1.0 CEU
Module GWM–11 (Total Length: 63 minutes) Price: $159.00 To Register, Sign in to Your E-School Account
Optimizing Well Diameter; Types and Designs of Well Screens; Selecting Filter Pack Material Size and Well-Screen Slot Size; Optimizing Well Screen Length; Options for Monitoring Multiple Target Monitoring Zones
Total CEUs for Module 11: 1.0 CEU
Module GWM–12 (Total Length: 52 minutes) Price: $159.00 To Register, Sign in to Your E-School Account
Selection and Installation of Filter-Pack Material Type; Selection and Installation of Effective Annular Seal Materials
Total CEUs for Module GWM-12: 1.0 CEU
Module GWM–13 (Total Length: 47 minutes) Price: $159.00 To Register, Sign in to Your E-School Account
Surface Protection for Monitoring Wells; Alternate Well Completions; Direct-Push Well Installation
Total CEUs for Module GWM-13: 1.0 CEU
Topic: Ground-Water Monitoring Well Development
The well is installed, the surface completion is finished but the well is still not ready to sample. Development is a critical step following construction of monitoring wells that is often short-changed or, sometimes, not implemented at all when new wells are installed at a site. This can result in a detrimental impact on the ability of the new well to yield representative ground-water samples – from the perspective of ensuring adequate flow toward and into the well, volume of water available for sampling, and formation-quality ground-water samples. This module debunks many of the myths and misunderstandings associated with well development. Learn what types of development methods are available, which work well and which don’t work well, which methods should never be used in monitoring wells, and why some wells should not be developed.
Module GWM–14 (Total Length: 47 minutes) Price: $159.00 To Register, Sign in to Your E-School Account
Ground-Water Monitoring Well Development – Objectives, Applications, Methods and Procedures
Total CEUs for Module GWM-14: 1.0 CEU