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Traditional methods of soil sample collection and handling for volatile organic compound (VOC) analysis are fraught with error and result in negative bias associated with data generated by laboratory analysis of these soil samples. This series of two modules explains why collecting soil samples for VOCs using “zero headspace” techniques is not valid and may, in fact, introduce significant bias and error; how conventional bulk matrix sampling practices can result in biased samples; and why laboratory subsampling of soil samples introduces error. Learn how proper implementation of U.S. EPA Method 5035B will result in collection and analysis of samples that much more accurately reflect in-situ field conditions and will result in much more accurate data. While Method 5035B is not a “new” method in the U.S., it is being increasingly adopted in countries other than the U.S. Unfortunately, both in the U.S. and Internationally the method is widely misunderstood and is often poorly implemented in the field. This series of two modules uses a comprehensive series of classroom and field videos to provide definitive guidance on what the intent of Method 5035B is, how to correctly implement both volumetric sampling methods and chemical preservation/extraction methods in the field, and how to avoid common field errors when implementing Method 5035B that can result in either negative or positive biases (or both) during sampling. Correct field procedures are illustrated through the use of “how-to” field videos. While you may opt to take just one of these modules, it is strongly recommended that you take both modules in the prescribed order if you want comprehensive coverage of the subject.

Module SS-11 (Total Length: 50 minutes) Price: $159.00 To Register, Log In to Your E-School Account

Soil Sample Handling and Processing Using U.S. EPA Method 5035B – Introduction; Use of Volumetric Sample Collection Methods

  • How Volatiles are Lost From Soil Samples
  • Problems With Traditional Soil Sampling Methods for VOCs
  • Limitations of Using Liners for VOC Sample Collection
  • Objectives of Method 5035B
  • Volumetric Sample Collection – How it Works, Equipment Options, Common Errors
  • ASTM Standard Practice D 6418 for Using EnCore Samplers
  • Advantages and Limitations of Volumetric Sample Collection Methods

Total CEUs for Module SS-11: 1 CEU

Module SS-12 (Total Length: 52 minutes) Price: $159.00 To Register, Log In to Your E-School Account

Soil Sample Handling and Processing Using U.S. EPA Method 5035B – Use of Chemical Preservation/Extraction Methods

  • Chemical Preservation/Extraction Techniques for Low-Level Sample Preparation and Preservation
  • Chemical Preservation/Extraction Techniques for High-Level Sample Preparation and Preservation
  • Overview of U.S. EPA Method 3815 to Select High-Level or Low-Level Preservation Methods
  • Advantages and Limitations of Chemical Preservation/Extraction Methods

 Total CEUs for Module SS-12: 1 CEU


Historically, field analysis of environmental samples has yielded numbers that, in many cases, were not regarded as being truly quantitative analytical data but were considered to be more qualitative in nature – a “yes/no” indicator of whether or not a chemical constituent was present. Over the past decade, there have been tremendous advances in the types and level of accuracy of field analytical tools available for the field chemist and non-chemist alike. In many cases, these new tools can provide quantitative data that can be used to accurately characterize the presence, absence and levels of specific contaminants in the subsurface. This module describes how to design an effective field analytical program from the non-chemist’s perspective and provides guidance on how to ensure that data generated are both accurate and defensible. In-depth discussions are provided to address how to select the best parameters, analytical instruments and methods to meet the objectives of a field analytical program. This module also provides an overview of analytical instruments and methods available for volatile, semi-volatile and non-volatile contaminants commonly of interest in environmental site investigation and characterization programs.

Module SS-13 (Total Length: 78 minutes) Price: $159.00 To Register, Sign in to Your E-School Account

Field Sample Analysis Options for Soil Samples

  • Problems with Historical Approaches to Field Sample Screening
  • The Role of U.S. EPA’s Triad Program and ITRC in Getting New Technologies Into the Field
  • How to Ensure That Field Analytical Data Will be Accepted by Regulatory Agencies
  • Field and Administrative Factors to Consider When Developing a Field Sample Analysis Program
  • Common Objectives of Field Sample Analysis
  • Selection Criteria for Choosing Field Analytical Instruments and Methods for the Non-Chemist
  • Overview of Field Analytical Instruments and Methods for Volatile Compounds, Including Headspace Screening of Soil Samples
  • Soil Sample Extraction and Field Analytical Methods for Semi-Volatile Compounds
  • Direct Sample Analysis Methods for Non-Volatile Compounds Such as Metals

Total CEUs for Module SS-13: 1.3 CEUs

