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During your E-Course, you will be required to take Certification exams that are administered electronically on-line by our Learning Management System (LMS).  Timing of exams varies with the E-Course (see below), and is based on subject matter, so it is imperative that you take the E-Modules comprising the E-Course in the prescribed order (to avoid unintentionally accessing exams prior to viewing all course material covered by the exams).

Each exam consists of 40 multiple choice and true/false questions selected randomly by our LMS from a group of 25 to 30 questions on the material in each E-Module.  You will have 60 minutes to complete each exam, and all exams must be completed within your access time to the E-Course.  The exams are graded electronically by our LMS, and the grades immediately reported to you and us - you must attain a score of at least 70% on each exam to pass.  If you do not pass an exam on the first try, you will be allowed to re-take that exam once (questions on the second exam will be different from those on the first exam).  If you do not pass that exam on the second try, you will be allowed to continue taking the remainder of the E-Modules that comprise the E-Course and earn your Course Completion Certificate.

The timing of Certification exams within each E-Course is as follows:

The Environmental Sampling E-Course (4 exams in total): Exam #1 - After E-Module ES-07 (covering material in ES-01 through ES-07); Exam #2 - After E-Module ES-17 (covering material in ES-08 through ES-17); Exam #3 - After E-Module ES-27 (covering material in ES-18 through ES-27); Exam #4 - After E-Module ES-32 (covering material in ES-28 through ES-32)

The Complete Ground-Water Monitoring E-Course (4 exams in total): Exam #1 - After E-Module GWM-07 (covering material in GWM-01 through GWM-07); Exam #2 - After E-Module GWM-14 (covering material in GWM-08 through GWM-14); Exam #3 - After E-Module GWM-21 (covering material in GWM-15 through GWM-21; Exam #4 - After E-Module GWM-29 (covering material in GWM-22 through GWM-29)

The Complete Ground-Water Sampling E-Course (2 exams in total): Exam #1 - After E-Module GWM-21 (covering material in GWM-15 through GWM-21); Exam #2 - After E-Module GWM-29 (covering material in GWM-22 through GWM-29)

The Complete Soil Sampling E-Course (2 exams in total): Exam #1 - After E-Module SS-08 (covering material in SS-01 through SS-08); Exam #2 - After E-Module SS-17 (covering material in SS-09 through SS-17)

The Ground-Water Monitoring Well Design, Construction and Development E-Course (2 exams in total): Exam #1 - After E-Module GWM-07 (covering material in GWM-01 through GWM-07); Exam #2 - After E-Module GWM-14 (covering material in GWM-08 through GWM-14)



Send us an e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  if you have any questions about how to earn your Professional Certification today!

Please choose the certification examination you would like. You must also submit a Request for Examination Form.  If you have already passed the requisite exam(s) then, you are ready to submit your Application for Certification and request for the Initial Certificate  for the specific Certification you are wanting to earn.

All fees are non-refundable.