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This is THE practical field course on ground-water sampling. Students learn what factors

students calibrating instruments
Students Learn the Importance of Calibration of Field Parameter Measurement Instrumentation Prior to Purging Monitoring Wells
Discharging a HydraSleeve
Students Learn the Applications of No-Purge Sampling and Gain Hands-On Experience Using Passive Diffusion Bag Samplers and the HydraSleeve

influence the successful implementation of ground-water sampling programs and how to develop effective ground-water sampling protocols or how to update existing protocols in response to changes in objectives of ground-water sampling programs. Emphasis is placed upon the importance of implementing good field practices and incorporating strong field QA/QC to ensure both precision and accuracy in ground-water sampling events.

Many topics are covered during the course, including: development of effective sampling and analysis plans; calibration and operation of instrumentation for field sampling and/or in-situ analysis of ground water; water-level and product thickness measurement; the science behind ground-water sampling; selection of purging and sampling devices and proper operation of those devices; purging and sampling options (including low-flow purging and sampling and no-purge sampling); field filtration and preservation of ground-water samples, preparation of samples for shipment (and discussions of DOT and IATA shipping regulations); and documentation of sampling events to ensure defensibility of records.

A half-day field session gives students the opportunity to work with a variety of field equipment, including water-level measurement equipment, ground-water purging and sampling devices, field indicator parameter measurement instrumentation, and filtration equipment. Students also get firsthand experience using a variety of purging and sampling methods, including low-flow purging and sampling, traditional purging and sampling, passive sampling and no-purge sampling.

Registration Fee for 2015: $1495.00 US per person (plus mandatory NM Gross Recipets Tax of 8.0%)

Course Outline

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